Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aren't we too small in front of Nature??? Think!!!

Hi folks,

Phew! I am back.. Finally.. Took a long gap. I am gonna keep this post a very crisp n a short one, to begin with, after a long gap. 

Had been to my native(even that was after a long time). As usual, parents were so very glad to see me n there was a different kinda happiness in my heart and a smile on my face. had Yummy breakfast and started towards my farm which is approximately 15kms from my house. A Traffic-Less Ride!!!

Its a lush green farm. Teak, Banana, beetle-nut, sapota(chiku), couple of sheep n hens n a couple of sandalwood trees :) 

After roaming all over the farm, while coming out, One thing attracted my attention..! A Tamarind Tree.!!

Yes, a Tamarind Tree. I had seen her many times before but that time she seemed really different and trying to tell me something. She's a huge, green n a very old tree that's grown right in front of my farm. I remember seeing her since the day I  went to the same farm some 20 years back as a kid. Today, I am standing in front of her n trying to listen to the Enigma that was being emitted from her.. Hmm.. Sigh!

That's when I thought of clicking a Picture with her. I set the camera on the tripod, set it on self timer n "Click".. I See the photo later and ........

..... and It was absolute silence in me for a while trying to comprehend the picture. I am standing like a fool who is not even fit to be compared with that of her Huge, green and solid make..! So tiny, so confused, like an inconsiderable thing. Only one thought was prominent among the thousands that visited my mind - "Aren't We Too Small In Front Of Nature???" 

Just think, its just one tree and we are nothing in front of it, think about the nature as a whole...!!!

Now its your turn. Look at the image, think n let me know what YOU feel..


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